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Please review the following - Code of Conduct, Center policies, Social Media Policy, and the Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA).  




  • Arrive for your shift on time.

  • If an absence is anticipated, please notify the volunteer coordinator as early as possible, preferably more than a week before the shift. Ideally, find your replacement and inform the volunteer coordinator to change the schedule.     

  • If an absence is unanticipated, please call the Center at (941) 484-9657ASAP to notify the staff.

  • Park in the grassy area currently off Jackson Road – next to the main parking lot.

  • Please wear appropriate clothing and closed-toe shoes.

  • Do NOT wear fragrances, including perfume, cologne, aftershave, lotions, etc.

  • Sign in at the volunteer desk (in the kitchen) with your name, the location of your shift, and your arrival time.

  • Arrive at your assignment and assess what supplies or duties are needed for the shift. Obtain supplies and contribute to the laundry by effectively doing a load of laundry (fold and put away, flip a load, and at the end of your shift, put a load of laundry in the washer).

  • Use your department checklist as a guide for prioritizing your duties for the shift. 

  • Complete all your duties before departing, and notify a staff member if unable to do so.

  • If you have any questions concerning your duties, find a staff person for clarification.

  • At the end of your shift, sign out at the volunteer desk.

  • Do not take any photos or videos during your shift (see separate social media policy.)


Animals in the care of the Wildlife Center are considered "patients." They are under stress, so all subsequent CENTER POLICIES are in place to keep them and YOU safe and comfortable.


  • Keep your emergency contact information up to date in the office.

  • Keep your tetanus vaccination up to date (every ten years) and provide dates to the office.

  • Wear gloves (available at all cleaning and feeding stations) at all times and eye protection as needed.

  • Do not talk to the patients, and keep conversation with other people to a bare minimum while in the habitat.

  • Spend minimal time in the habitats when cleaning and delivering food.

  • Notify staff of any concerns with the habitat or patients.


Social Media Policy


Wildlife in our care is not on exhibit. The animals are patients receiving treatment. All patients, regardless of their current status – capture, transport, admission, examination, treatment, or release – are not to be photographed or videotaped without the expressed consent of the Executive Director. No pictures or videos of animals or the Center are allowed on your personal social media accounts. Violation of this policy may result in the termination of your volunteer status.


Non-Disclosure Agreement


Our policy is that all information concerning any current, past, or potential patient, employee, or volunteer is confidential, whether written, spoken, or other communicated, or obtained. All said information, including but not limited to photos, files, records, personal information, and treatment information, constitutes privileged information. Privileged information is strictly confidential. No volunteer shall disclose confidential information to unauthorized individuals or organizations. You are responsible for reporting to your supervisor any knowledge or witness of any breach of the confidentiality policy by any party or parties. Any violation of the policy will result in termination. The Executive Director will handle any discussion of current or past employees Please get in touch with the office if you have any questions or concerns regarding this document.

Your signature below indicates you have read and fully understand the above code of conduct, center policies, and agree to the NDA.

Your signature also acknowledges that the Wildlife Center of Southwest Florida is an organization dedicated to the RESCUE, REHABILITATION, and RELEASE of injured, orphaned, or sick wildlife. As such, volunteer work at this Center may involve proximity to many types of wild birds, reptiles, and mammals. Contact with wildlife may rarely result in injury or illness. You agree that any duties assumed carry a small risk of injury and disease. You are responsible for any medical treatment or services deemed necessary. Your signature agrees to hold harmless the Wildlife Center of Southwest Florida, its Officers, Staff members, and Volunteers should you be injured during your volunteer work.


Should you have any questions about any of the policies above, please contact our Volunteer Coordinator at:


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FYI: Our E-News comes out once a month.

CALL: (941) 484-9657 FROM 8 AM-6 PM 



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© 2023 by The Paul A. & Veronica H. Gross Wildlife Center of Southwest Florida

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